Sainsbury’s Kingston

Sainsbury's Kingston 6-12 Eden St, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1BU

Sainsbury is the popular department store with hundreds of stores around the UK. Kingston has few small to bit Sainsbury and one at 6-12 Eden St, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1BU is centrlly located for the residents of Kingston. Since it is in the middle of the town centre people who come shopping or dining find it very convenient to go this branch for the day to day household and food shopping. Bentall centre is just a few mins walk. Bentall centre has all the big brand shops like Apple Store, Next, Aldo and many more.


This store open from 07:00 till 20:00 (Mon/Tue/Wed/Sat), from 07:00 till 21:00 (Thur/Fri) and from 11:00 till 17:00 on Sundays.

The store has the following facilities:

Accessible toilets

Assistance dogs welcome

Disabled child trolley

Induction loops




Contactless Payments

Self Checkout



This store has 5-star Food Hygiene Rating.