Isabella Plantation

Isabella Plantation

Isabella Plantation is located within Richmond Park. Park is also known as evergreen azaleas because of the 40-acre woodland garden which is set within a Victorian woodland plantation. Isabella Plantation is a must-go place if you are in Kingston upon Thames or visiting a nearby city. Even though the plantation started back in 1830 but it was opened to the public only in 1953. Plantation has a large collection of Azaelas, Rhododendrons and Camellias hundreds of other rare and unusual trees and shrubs.


The plantation is run on organic principles making it an environment-friendly. You will also find native berry-bearing trees and nectar trees. Plantation has become the shelter for large numbers of birds, bats and insects, as well as invertebrates and amphibians, are habitat in the ponds and stream.


This plantation has been funded by Heritage Lottery and Big Lottery. Plantation has successfully atracted thousands of people from around the country. If you have time you could go to The Fairfield Recreation Ground